Astronomy For The Utterly Confused Book Review

Astronomy For The Utterly ConfusedAstronomy for the utterly confused (ISBN 0071471588) reminds me of the dummies guide series, as the front cover is black and yellow, plus the content is similar to what you would expect in a dummies guide.


The content of Astronomy for the utterly confused is very good and gives a very good overall coverage of the basics of astronomy.


The book only contains black and white content though, including images, which is a bit of a shame as sometimes the book calls you to notice the difference in colours in images, which you just can’t see, but I suppose this does keep the cost of the book down.


At the end of every chapter is a section of questions about the chapter you have just read, luckily the answers are also included.

Astronomy for the utterly confused contains 18 chapters, which covers a wide range of astronomy topics including key concepts and basic laws, solar nebula, planets, the suns role in our solar system, astrophysics basics, stars and galaxies, dark matter and the future of the universe.

There are some nice chapters on the early astronomers in history such as Johannes Kepler who discovered the orbit of Mars was an ellipse and not a circle, as well as Galileo Galilei who was the first scientist to use mathematics and perform experiments in a manner similar to modern scientists.

There are also some nice sections in Astronomy for the utterly confused on satellites and meteors.

Overall Astronomy for the utterly confused is a good introductory book on the general topic of astronomy, this is a great book to read for a general introduction, its just a shame the pictures are not in colour. Astronomy for the utterly confused would be really good for student projects or for a good overall read on astronomy for beginners.

Astronomy for the Utterly Confused is available at Waterstones

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