Philip’s Moon Observers Guide Book Review

Moon Observers GuideAs you would expect the Moon Observer’s Guide (ISBN 0540084190) is a book all about our moon and a what a complete book it is. I think it must contain everything you ever need to know about the moon.

Moon Observers Guide contains chapters on lunar geology, the moon in space, lunar observer’s equipment, moon watching, recording your observations, eclipses and occultations, and the space-age moon.

The Moon Observers Guide contains a useful chapter which discusses the various type of telescopes you can use to view the moon and their advantages and disadvantages.

Throughout The Moon Observer’s Guide are some nice colour and black and white images and drawings of the moon.

A large section of the book follows the moon cycle through 28 days with each day containing a page about the part of the moon that is on show together with an image of that new section on show naming each section of the moon. This is just like having a moon map but split into days which is really good.

There are also chapters on how to record your observations using conventional photography, and digital photography including using camcorders, web cams and digital cameras. Finally there is a nice chapter describing occultations and lunar eclipses.

Overall this Philips title is really good and can be purchased on its own or within the Moonwatch pack which also includes a moon map and moon poster.

Moon Observer’s Guide is available at Waterstones

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