Philips SPC1300 Webcam for Astronomy?

Philips SPC1300 WebcamI noticed today that Philips have released a new range of webcams, and there are a couple of Pro models. The main one to look at is the SPC1300 or SPC1330 as it’s called on the Philips web site. The SPC1300 is said to be a 2 Megapixel webcam, unlike the SPC900 which is a 1.3 Megapixel camera.

The major downside of the new SPC1300 is that the sensor is a CMOS sensor where as the SPC900 is a CCD sensor. But will this make a lot of difference when undertaking astrophotography?

Is the SPC1300 the new SPC900? Can the SPC1300 be taken apart and the lens removed and a standard plastic lens adaptor be screwed in? I suppose the only way to find out is to purchase one and try and take it apart.

Philips SPC1300 Webcam BoxThe cheapest place to buy from seems to be Amazon or Pixmania for around £50.

The weight of the webcam is only 110g and the fixed lens is f/2.8

If anybody has more information on this, or has one and has adapted it, I would love to know about it, so please leave some comments about it.

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