Celestron Ultima 100 Angled Spotting Scope by Celestron

Celestron Ultima 100 Angled Spotting ScopeCelestron Ultima 100 Angled Spotting Scope
The Celestron Ultima 100 Angled Spotting Scope is the largest scope in the Ultima range, the 100mm Ultima offers more than 50% brighter images than the 80mm, allowing for better performance in low light conditions. The series has been designed to perform well in a range of situations, making it a great all-round optical instrument for all your viewing needs. The 100mm refractor features excellent multi-coated optics packed into a portable and durable refractor design and it comes standard with a 22-66x zoom eyepiece. The Ultima spotters are great for the nature or outdoor enthusiast thanks to its green, waterproof, rubber armour which allows you to blend in with your natural surroundings and watch your subject at ease in all weather conditions. Included is a soft carrying case.

Price: £429.99

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