Sky-watcher Az-eq6gt Computerised Go-to Mount And Tripod by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6GT Computerised GO-TO Mount and TripodSky-watcher Az-eq6gt Computerised Go-to Mount And Tripod
The Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6GT is an exciting evolutionary development of the hugely successful NEQ6 PRO.The AZ-EQ6GT is a dual purpose, fully functional computerised heavy-duty Go-To/Tracking astronomical mount in both Alt-Azimuth (AZ) and Equatorial (EQ) modes. Supplied with a SynScan handset with dual AZ/EQ firmware, it can automatically find and track over 42,900 celestial objects from its database.In EQ mode, the AZ-EQ6GT is designed for either visual use or precise astro-imaging. In AZ mode, it is primarily intended for visual use, and in this mode, two telescopes can be mounted simultaneously in parallel.A great feature of the AZ-EQ6GT is the patented dual-encoder technology. This allows the telescope to be moved manually in either axis without the mount losing its positional information. This gives the user enormous freedom, convenience and flexibility during observational sessions. The Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6GT…..a new legend is born!!

Price: £1925.00

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