Ordered a Canon 400D SLR from Comet

Now I must be really getting the astronomy bug, as just a few days after ordering a Philips SPC900 webcam, I have jumped in with both feet and ordered a Canon 400D SLR Digital Camera from Comet, which was a good price as they gave me £40 off by using a code – ‘SUMMER40’ if I spent over £400 (or SUMMER30 if you spend over £30, and SUMMER20 if you spend over £20 – but that ends Friday 13th July), plus there is a cashback off on at the moment of £50 when you buy a Canon, so that should make the camera £389 with free delivery.

I went for the 400D instead of the 350D, as I thought with me constantly taking off the camera lens and adding the telescope adaptors that dust may get into the chip, but the Canon 400D has a shake clean mechanism to remove dust from the sensor, plus alot of other astronomers and amateur photographers seem to have this camera – although that does not make it good!

I then just need to purchase a nice tripod, case, remote control, memory card and of course the all important t adaptors in order to rig it up to the telescope – does this spending on this new hobby ever end?

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