My First Saturn & YouTube Video

Having failed to get any decent pictures of Saturn so far, I decided to try and take video of it instead. I ended up using my Nokia 6320 phone to take the video, which is not the best gadget to use for video admittedly, plus I was indoors, again not a good idea as I think some of the focus may have been on the actual window.

I then decided to add it to YouTube, I already have a YouTube account, so I uploaded my first video. The video files comes off of my Nokia in 3gpp files, I used Apples QuickTime Pro 7 in order to cut he video and re-save it as a .mov file, which was then uploaded to YouTube.

It’s only after I uploaded my not so great video that I saw a whole host of really good images and videos on YouTube by other astronomers, and I hope to put some of my favourite astronomy videos from YouTube on the blog soon.

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