Sky Camera Footage from 30th May 2020


This is some Sky Camera footage from Saturday 30th May 2020 the night of the first manned Space X launch. I didn’t catch the ISS or rocket as the sky was too bright for my night settings. The bright object in the video is the moon.

This is the start again of my sky camera project or as I like to call it ‘SkyPi’. It’s a Raspberry Pi with a Pi No-IR v2 camera and a 180 degree mobile phone type stick on lens.

These are 9.9 second exposures, white balance is ‘greyworld’ and the exposure is set to auto with ISO 800. The still images are then put together (not in Pi) but in Windows 10 using a free program called “Time Lapse Creator”.

It was originally uploaded to my Facebook page, you can follow AstronomyLog on Facebook.

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