Pentax Up Wp 8×25 Binoculars by Pentax
Posted on: March 1, 2025 /
Pentax Up Wp 8×25 Binoculars
The Pentax UP WP 8×25 Binoculars employ quite a unique unibody design that locks the objective lenses within the body, whilst the eyepieces are set on a synchronised dual-axis mechanism. By doing so, they remain symmetrical in relation to the central axis of the optic when performing adjustments to the interpupillary distance. Centred around a key 8x magnification with 25mm objective lenses, these binoculars integrate high-quality BaK4 prisms to further enhance light transmission and resolution. The fully multi coated and anti-reflective interior optics produce clear, crisp, and colour-accurate images suited to bird watching, walks in nature, and more. Due to their durable and hard-wearing exterior construction, the Pentax Up WP 8x25s are well-suited to viewing contrast-rich, bright images within extreme climates and harsh weather conditions.
Price: £124.99
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