Tag : alt-az

Sky-watcher Skyhawk-1145ps Az Pronto Alt-az Parabolic Newtonian Telescope by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher Skyhawk-1145PS AZ Pronto Alt-Az Parabolic Newtonian TelescopeSky-watcher Skyhawk-1145ps Az Pronto Alt-az Parabolic Newtonian Telescope
The Sky-Watcher Skyhawk-1145PS AZ Pronto Alt-Az Parabolic Newtonian Telescope is designed for amateur astronomers and skilled professionals for observations. Its 114 mm aperture and customisable magnification promises sharp and clear observations of celestial objects. The telescope comes with a red dot finder to focus on the exact location of the object and altitude adjustment.

Price: £215.00

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Sky-watcher Skymax-102s Az Pronto Alt-az Maksutov-cassegrain Telescope by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher Skymax-102S AZ Pronto Alt-Az Maksutov-Cassegrain TelescopeSky-watcher Skymax-102s Az Pronto Alt-az Maksutov-cassegrain Telescope
The Sky-Watcher Skymax-102S AZ Pronto Alt-Az Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope offers easy and intuitive navigation across the night sky. Equipped with an alt-azimuth mount, this telescope allows you to move it on all axis smoothly, making it an ideal choice for both terrestrial and celestial viewing. The mount’s quick-release dovetail attachment system simplifies setup and disassembly.

Price: £309.00

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Sky-watcher Evostar 90mm Az Pronto Alt-az Refractor Telescope by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher Evostar 90mm AZ Pronto Alt-Az Refractor TelescopeSky-watcher Evostar 90mm Az Pronto Alt-az Refractor Telescope
The Sky-Watcher Evostar 90mm AZ Pronto Alt-Az Refractor Telescope is designed for amateur astronomers and astrophotographers. It has a crown glass element and a flint glass element, to minimise chromatic aberrations and produce sharp, clear images of celestial objects. With a 90 mm aperture and a focal length of 900 mm, this telescope offers a focal ratio of f10 to deliver crisp and sharp results.

Price: £279.00

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