Tag : finderscope

Sky-watcher Shoe For Finderscope Bracket by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher Shoe for finderscope BracketSky-watcher Shoe For Finderscope Bracket
A shoe for connecting finderscope brackets to their Optical Tube Assemblies. Attaches to OTA and a thumb screw securely holds the finderscope bracket in place. http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/astronomical_telescopes/sky-watcher/general_accessories/sky-watcher_finderscopes

Price: £7.00

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Sky-watcher 6×30 Finderscope With Bracket by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher 6x30 Finderscope with BracketSky-watcher 6×30 Finderscope With Bracket
These scopes, mounted on the main instruments as secondary scopes, are invaluable tools in locating objects in the sky.This 6×30 achromatic finderscope is a good choice for any telescope, both astronomical and terrestrial. It can also be used as a replacement of the standard 5×24. The diecast mounting bracket is sprung loading for easy alignment.

Price: £34.00

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Sky-watcher 6×30 Right-angled Finderscope by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher 6x30 Right-Angled FinderscopeSky-watcher 6×30 Right-angled Finderscope
Sky Watcher 6×30 Right-Angled Finderscope.Provides an upright image with reversed left/right orientation. Supplied with finderscope bracket. Matches the image seen through Refractor or Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes with star diagonal. Provides exceptionally comfortable and convenient operation compared to a traditional straight-through viewing finder.

Price: £46.00

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Sky-watcher 9×50 Right-angled Erecting Image Finderscope by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher 9x50 Right-Angled Erecting Image FinderscopeSky-watcher 9×50 Right-angled Erecting Image Finderscope
Sky Watcher 9×50 Right-Angled, Erecting Finderscope. Provides an upright image with completely corrected left/right image orientation. Supplied with finderscope bracket. Provides exceptionally comfortable and convenient operation compared to a traditional straight-through viewing finder.

Price: £84.00

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Sky-watcher 9×50 Right-angled Finderscope by Sky-Watcher

Sky-Watcher 9x50 Right-Angled FinderscopeSky-watcher 9×50 Right-angled Finderscope
Sky Watcher 9×50 Right-Angled Finderscope.Provides an upright image with reversed left/right orientation. Supplied with finderscope bracket. Matches the image seen through Refractor or Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes with star diagonal. Provides exceptionally comfortable and convenient operation compared to a traditional straight-through viewing finder.

Price: £74.00

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Celestron Starpointer Finderscope by Celestron

Celestron Starpointer FinderscopeCelestron Starpointer Finderscope
The Celestron Starpointer Finderscope is designed to make stargazing or locating celestial objects easier. It features a red dot finder which has 1x magnification and a rheostat that controls the reticle brightness. The red dot keeps the sky right-side up and works with most telescopes. It can be easily aligned and won’t require realignment unless the Finderscope is knocked or bumped.

Price: £24.99

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Guiding in Maxim DL with a Finderscope Guider

At last my guiding seems to be working, after using a finder guider for a couple of years with mixed results, I think I have it cracked.

I originally used to expose my QHY5 camera on my Skywatcher finderscope every 2 seconds for guiding, and have aggressiveness setting of 4-5. I also used to use my finderguider un-binned with a calibration time of 25 seconds.

This is now my Maxim DL autoguiding set-up:

2x Binned QHY5 camera
5 second exposures
Aggressiveness of 6 and 6.5
Calibration Time: 40 seconds
Waiting time between frames: 65 seconds

These are the settings when imaging through my Altair Astro 80mm Triplet at f4.8 at 3.46 arc seconds per pixel. These settings may change when I image with my 8″ RC scope.